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Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Update 06/04/2021

Ferndale LTN:

In the last newsletter we updated you on the changes that will be taking place in April. We know that there may be questions you want to ask us so we would like to invite you to our Ferndale Low Traffic Neighbourhood Question-and-Answer session.

Please confirm the event you would like to attend, your name, your address and question to: lowtrafficneighbourhoods@lambeth.gov.uk using ‘Ferndale Q and A’ in the subject line.

Event 1 - 20th April 5pm: Residents local to Dalyell Road & Combermere Road diagonal filter

Event 2 - 20th April 6pm: Residents local to Pulross Road modal filter changes

Event 3 – 21st April 5pm: Residents local to Ferndale Road modal filter

Event 4 – 21st April 6pm: Residents local to Shannon Grove no-motor Southbound

We will follow up your emails with a link to your chosen session.

A public consultation will follow later this year during which we will proactively gather views on the changes, to be considered alongside objective data collected before a decision is taken on the future of the scheme.

Q and A content will be made readily available following the sessions. For translations in other languages, Easyread, large print or any other accessible format including Braille please contact lowtrafficneighbourhoods@lambeth.gov.uk'

Many Different Voices:

We have extended the deadline for our Many Different Voices competition to 18th April 2021.

The competition remains open to all Lambeth residents aged 13-18.

The prizes:

▪ Mentoring programme with DSDHA

▪ £100 Vouchers for winners and judges choice awards

▪ Limited edition Brixton Pound Prints

Your Streets, Your Way:

Your Streets, Your Way is fully underway, look out for the colourful signs near competition locations and attend a digital café to get support with your competition entry.

The competition aims to provide an amazing opportunity for local people to lead on how their streets are designed and created.

We are looking for your ideas to create a healthier, greener city. There are 10 locations across Lambeth:

1. Bedford House

2. Claylands Road

3. Dorset Road Shops Mural

4. Fairview Place

5. Hillside Passage

6. Holmewood x Roupell Estate

7. Livity School Passage

8. Mursell Estate and Undercroft

9. Somerleyton Passage

10. St Matthew’s Road

A winner will be announced in each location, receive £750 and will have their design built!*

There will also be a £500 cash prize for the Judge’s Choice and a £200 Runner Up cash prize for each location. The competition will be judged by people that work every day to make your neighbourhood the best place it can be. They will be looking for a community-led vision that will improve the area for both people and the planet.

For more information please read the competition guidance at: https://urbangrowth.london/competition/

*under 18s will receive a £100 gift voucher in agreement with their parent/guardian.

Posted on 6th April 2021

by RF